
Undergraduate Curriculum Council meets on the first Friday of every month during fall and spring semesters at 1:30pm.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to the VPAA’s office 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting.

Governing Policy: P.S. 3508

Proposal Procedure:

  1. Fill out the fillable proposal form(s).
  2. Have the proposal approved by the accepted body in your college/institute (e.g., college curriculum committee, discipline committee).
  3. Have the proposal approved by your dean. He/she then should write a letter supporting the proposal and indicating that it went through the accepted channels of your college/institute.
  4. You or the dean should send the original proposal(s) and letter ELECTRONICALLY to Academic Affairs at least ten (10) days prior to the next regularly-scheduled UCC meeting.
  5. You should plan to attend the UCC meeting to explain your proposal(s) and answer any questions.
  6. You and your dean will be notified within seven (7) days of UCC action on your proposal(s).
    1. If passed, the UCC will deliver the proposal(s) to the Chief Academic Officer, who will recommend approval or disapproval to the University President.
    2. If rejected, the UCC will provide written rationale.
    3. If tabled, the UCC will provide written rationale and encourage you to submit again after the specified changes are made.


Bob Fuller
School of Education

Tara Sullivan
College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Sacha Dawkins
College of Nursing & Heath Sciences

Deborah Watson
College of Nursing & Heath Sciences

 Wesley Garrett
College of Business & Professional Studies

Amanda Dahl
College of Business & Professional Studies

Kimberly Dorsey
College of Business and Professional Studies

Jonathon Hooks
College of Arts & Sciences

Nora Corrigan
College of Arts & Sciences

Bob Sample, Chair
College of Arts & Sciences

Rachael Damms
Fant Memorial Library

Student Representative

Scott Tollison, ex-officio
Provost & VP of Academic Affairs

Shannon Lucius, ex-officio
Registrar’s Office

Carla Lowery, ex-officio
SACS Accreditation Liaison

UCC Forms

UCC Minutes