Graduate Council
The Graduate Council recommends general policies applicable to all graduate programs offered through the Colleges and to discuss problems, procedures, planning and administration of graduate programs.
The Graduate Council consists of the Director of Graduate Studies, who serves as Chair; the Dean of the College from each of the graduate programs; the Department Chair and Program Coordinator (where applicable) from each of the graduate programs and one rotating Graduate Student. Graduate Program Coordinators, the Assistant Registrar, and the Chief Academic Officer serve as ex-officio members.
The Graduate Council also functions as the Student Grievance Committee for grievances involving graduate students.
Graduate Council
Dr. Marty Brock
Associate VP for Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Brian Anderson
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Dr. Marty Hatton
Dean, School of Education
Dr. Brandy Larmon
Dean, College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Kelly Woodford
Dean, College of Business & Professional Studies
David Carter
Chair, Department of Theatre
Dr. Catherine Cotton
Interim Chair, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
Dr. Kendall Dunkelberg
Chair, LLP & Director, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
Dr. Bob Fuller
Chair, School of Education
Dr. Dee Larson
Chair, Department of Business
Dr. Shonda Phlelon
Chair, Department of Graduate Nursing
Dr. Irene Pintado
Chair, Department of Health & Kinesiology
Dr. Shahara’ Tova Dente’
Director, Women’s Leadership
Dr. Hunter Manasco
Graduate Coordinator, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
Dr. Laura Beth Turner
Graduate Coordinator, Doctorate of Nursing Practice
Dr. Kelly Ballard
Graduate Coordinator, Master of Art in Teaching
Dr. Chrystal Hodges
Graduate Coordinator, Master of Education
Dr. Chad Murphy
Graduate Coordinator, Master of Public Health
Dr. Alena Groves
Graduate Coordinator, Master of Science in Nursing
Rachael Damms
Graduate Studies Librarian
Shannon Lucius, ex-officio nonvoting member
Dr. Scott Tollison, ex-officio nonvoting member
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Graduate Faculty
Policy Statement 3525 requires the Graduate Council to approve faculty in advance of their teaching for the graduate programs of Mississippi University for Women (MUW). The Graduate Council defines eligibility criteria for graduate faculty in accordance with the policies and procedures established by MUW. MUW requires that faculty meet SACSCOC credentials to be appointed as graduate faculty.
Prior to the beginning of each academic term, Department Chairs and Deans are responsible for reviewing graduate program instructional needs and insuring faculty being considered for graduate instruction have been approved as qualified to do so. The credentials of any faculty who are being considered to teach graduate courses for MUW and who previously have not been approved to do so must be presented for consideration by the Graduate Council. The credentials of new faculty approved by the Graduate Council must be approved for appointment by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Department Chairs and Deans are responsible for clearly stating what qualifies faculty to teach within a specific graduate program of study. For faculty that are not qualified by a terminal degree in the teaching discipline, Department Chairs and Deans must submit additional justification and documentation of credentials for consideration by the Graduate Council at the time of initial appointment to graduate teaching status.
Graduate Curriculum
Please submit curricular changes by e-mail to the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Martin Hatton (, Tiffany Winter (, and Patricia Caston ( Curricular materials need to be sent 7 days prior to Graduate Council meetings. Meetings are on the second Thursday of every month.
Curricular forms and any attachments will be distributed to Graduate Council members via e-mail. Graduate Council members may request printed copies of curricular forms with any related attachments and a copy of the draft minutes to be reviewed for approval. Print copies of the agenda will be provided at each meeting of the Graduate Council.
Graduate Council Forms
Graduate Council Minutes
- 202404 GC Minutes April 2024
- 202402 GC Minutes February 2024
- 202310 GC Minutes October 2023
- 202309_GC_Minutes_September_2023.pdf
- 202302_GC_Recommendations_February_2023_evote_approved.pdf
- 202210_GC_Recommendations_October_2022_approved.pdf
- 202203_GC_Recommendations_March_2022_approved.pdf
- 202201_GC_Recommendations_January_2022_approved.pdf
- 202104_GC_Minutes_April_2021.pdf
- 202101_GC_Recommendations_January_2021_approved.pdf
- 201911_GC_Minutes_November_2019.pdf
- 201909_GC_Minutes_September_2019.pdf
- 201907_GC_Minutes_July_2019_evote.pdf
- 201902_GC_Minutes_February_2019.pdf
- 201811_GC_Minutes_November_2018.pdf
- 201809_GC_Minutes_September_2018.pdf
- 201804_GC_Minutes_April_2018.pdf
- 201803_GC_Minutes_March_2018.pdf
- 201711_GC_Minutes_November_2017.pdf
- 201710_GC_Minutes_October_2017.pdf
- 201709_GC_Minutes_September_2017.pdf
- 201704_GC_Minutes_April_2017.pdf
- 201703_GC_Minutes_March_2017.pdf
- 201702_GC_Minutes_February_2017.pdf
- 201612_GC_Minutes_December_2016.pdf
- 201611_GC_Minutes_November_2016.pdf
- 201609_GC_Minutes_September_2016.pdf
- 201604_GC_Minutes_April_2016.pdf
- 201603_GC_Minutes_March_2016.pdf
- 201602_GC_Minutes_February_2016.pdf
- 201511_GC_Minutes_November_2015.pdf
- 201509_GC_Minutes_September_2015.pdf
- 201504_GC_Minutes_April_2015.pdf
- 201502_GC_Minutes_February_2015.pdf
- 201501_GC_Minutes_January_2015.pdf
- 201411_GC_Minutes_November_2014.pdf
- 201410_GC_Minutes_October_2014.pdf
- 201409_GC_Minutes_September_2014.pdf
- 201404_Minutes_April_2014.pdf
- 201311_Minutes_November_2013.pdf
- 201309_Minutes_September_2013.pdf
- 201304_Minutes_April_2013.pdf
- 201302_Minutes_February_2013.pdf
- 201211_Minutes_November_2012.pdf
- 201210_Minutes_October_2012.pdf
- 201203_Minutes_March_2012.pdf
- 201202_Minutes_February_2012.pdf
- 201111_Minutes_November_2011.pdf
- 201110_Minutes_October_2011.pdf
- 201109_Minutes_September_2011.pdf
- 201105_Minutes_May_2011.pdf
- 201102_Minutes_February_2011.pdf
- 201101_Minutes_January_2011.pdf
- 201012_Minutes_December_2010.pdf
- 201011_Minutes_November_2010.pdf