2021 Accountability Measures

MUW School of Education 2021

The Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) requires four annual accountability measures that demonstrate accountability and provide information on Mississippi University for Women’s (MUW) School of Education’s initial licensure programs impact, outcomes, and performance to share publicly with stakeholders, teacher candidates, and potential students..

MUW’s School of Education and fourteen other public and private higher education institutions annually submit data that is used to establish external benchmarks for Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs). Included in this data is statewide data from the Mississippi Public School system. This information is compiled in an Impact Report, developed to help institutions comply with CAEPs Annual Accountability Measures. This report, along with other data collected within the School of Education, is used in making data driven decisions in the EPP’s Continuous Improvement Process. Data gathered for these measures was collected during the 2020-2021 academic year.

Impact Measures

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness (CAEP R4.1)

Data for Measure 1 is limited due to the U.S. Department of Education waiving statewide assessment, accountability, and reporting requirements for the Mississippi Department of Education in the 2019-2020 school year due to widespread school closures related to COVID-19.

Impact on P-12 Learning and Development

Although feedback is limited for this survey, first year completers surveyed in 2020 rated all items in the survey as “agree” or “strongly agree” as it pertains to their satisfaction with the program and the effectiveness of the program in preparing them in their role as educators.

Satisfaction of Completers – Impact Report

Statewide Initial Program Completer Survey

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (CAEP R4.2, R5.3)

The satisfaction of employers and milestones provides MUW School of Education invaluable information from employers about their overall satisfaction with completers from initial level programs as they enter the teaching profession.  The survey results provide information from employers regarding completer knowledge, skills, and dispositions as they enter the workforce and assume responsibility of teaching P-12 students.  

In the 2020 survey, although the response is limited, the W’s School of Education consistently performed above average when compared to statewide EPP totals.

Satisfaction of Employers – Impact Report

Statewide Initial Program Principal Survey

Outcome Measures

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (CAEP R3.3)

Data was collected from Fall 2021 Program Completers during their final seminar.  The first section of the survey focuses on candidate program coursework, residency/clinical hours, and mentor teachers and the second section focuses on feedback regarding mentor teachers and university supervisors.  This survey was piloted in Fall 2021, and the scores from this survey will be used as benchmarks for monitoring progress and need for improvement in future semesters.

Fall 2022 Completer Chart

Statewide Common Assessments (TIAI)

Due to COVID-19,  MDE implemented a testing waiver that went into effect for program completers from March 26, 2020 through December 31, 2021.  Completers may not have recorded licensure exams during this time period.

Title II Licensure Exam Pass Rates

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared

According to the employment data received form the Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) in the 2019-2020 academic year:
Completers from 2018-2019 that were employed in a Mississippi educational setting:  

  • 58.33%-traditional route
  • 100%-alternate route completers

Completers from 2017-2018 that were employed in a Mississippi educational setting:

  • 80.65%-traditional route
  • No information available for alternate route completers

Completers from 2016-2017 that were employed in a Mississippi educational setting:

  • 68.97%-traditional route
  • No information available for alternate route completers

Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Prepared

Employment Milestones – Obtained Advanced Degree

Employment Milestones – Retention

Additional Data

Graduation Rates

Teaching in Critical Shortage Areas

In previous years, CAEP required 8 Annual Measures. Those can be found below.

Annual Reporting Measures AY 2020-21