Biology Secondary Education

Be A Teacher

Teacher Certification in Secondary Biology provides prospective teachers with the attitudes, content, pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary for a teaching career in middle or high school. The curriculum immerses students in the Biology content area, balancing preparatory pedagogical courses with direct application of knowledge and skills through meaningful field experiences.

Apple resting on top of a stack of books

Minimum Grades

Students must earn a C or higher in the general education classes PSY 206 Human Growth and Development, COM 101 Oral Communications, and MA 113 College Algebra (or higher math). They must earn a C or higher in ED 200 Education as a Profession, ED 306 Introduction to Exceptional Learners, ED 452 Educational Measurement, ED 390 Classroom Management, and ED 360 Educational Psychology, and they must earn a B or higher in ED 302 Art and Science of Teaching.

Teacher Education

To be admitted to the Teacher Education program, students must pass the Praxis Core exam or earn a 21 or higher on the ACT or have a 3.0 overall GPA and complete 44 hours with a 2.75 GPA or higher, and pass a criminal background check.

Educator Preparation Program Progression

Once admitted, students will successfully complete BSB 313 Methods & Materials in the Teaching of Science (Biology), and then they qualify to begin their teacher internship semester, when they will enroll in ED 452 Educational Measurement and ED 409 Observation and Directed Teaching in Secondary Education Grades 7-12.


Because the secondary education program has additional requirements, the number of free electives in a student’s curriculum is limited. Students interested in secondary education certification should declare their major early in order to get proper advising so they progress through their curriculum in a timely fashion. Your advisor will know when required courses are usually offered and can help you decide which electives will allow you to fulfill the required distribution of courses. Without proper advising, you may spend more time earning your degree.

Students should complete most of their education and major requirements prior to their senior year. In the fall semester of their senior year, students must complete any remaining requirements and take BSB 313 Methods and Materials of Teaching Science. Then in the Spring semester students complete their degree with the Student Teaching Semester.

Want to Be a Teacher?

If you are interested in learning more about teaching certification in biology, please contact:

Dr. Brian Burnes
PHONE: (662) 329-7244

Students identify leaves in the forest

Biology Scholarships

There are various biology scholarships offered by the Department available to current Biology majors. Most of these scholarships are available to all students (including international students) except those students who are full-ride Centennial Scholars. Amounts awarded are generally in the $500 to $2000 dollar range.

Biology Scholarships

Alternate Route Certification

We have partnered with The W's School of Education to create a clear pathway to licensure for students who are interested in teaching, but did not start a Teacher Certification program early in their college career. The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) is a graduate education degree and an alternative initial licensure program which provides those who complete this program an opportunity to teach in Mississippi schools. Some students may qualify to be admitted to the Accelerated MAT program while completing their bachelor’s degree. Students who qualify may also complete a regular Biology degree before applying to the MAT program.

Master of Arts in Teaching Program

Rows of empty student desks in a classroom

Biology, BS - Secondary Education Certification Curriculum

This information is presented for informational purposes. In the event of a discrepancy between this page and the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Bulletin should always be used.

General Education Curriculum

In keeping with The W's Mission, the General Education Program provides students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to become independent, productive members of society in our continually changing world.

The W's General Education Program provides a foundation in the liberal arts that includes knowledge in the historical, literary, aesthetic, scientific, and cultural traditions that shape the world, and fosters skills that allow students to become civically responsible life-long learners ready to adapt to new challenges.

All students who complete the Mississippi University for Women general education program will demonstrate:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Effective Communication
  • Cultural Literacy
  • Quantitative & Technology Skills
  • Understanding of Self, Global Societies, & the Natural World
  • Life-Long Learning

View General Education Requirements

Bachelor of Science Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must complete the following courses in their academic program:

  • 8 semester hours of Laboratory Science
  • 3 semester hours of Mathematics MA 113 (or higher)
  • 6 semester hours of Science and/or Mathematics
  • 3 semester hours of additional mathematics above MA 113 or computer applications/programming course

A total of 20 hours is required, and students may not double count credit hours in the above categories.

Teacher Education Requirements

Teacher Education Majors are required to pass the following courses with a C or higher as part of their major and their General Education Curriculum.

  • MA 113 - College Algebra or higher Math including MA 123 (3 semester hours)
  • COM 101 - Oral Communication
  • PSY 206 - Human Growth and Development

Major Requirements

(grade of C or better required)

  • BSB 151 - General Biology I
  • BSB 151L - General Biology I Laboratory
  • BSB 152 - General Biology II
  • BSB 152L - General Biology II Laboratory
  • BSB 230 - General Genetics
  • BSB 251 - General Botany
  • BSB 304 - Research Methods
  • BSB 313 - Methods and Materials in the Teaching of Science (Biology)
  • BSB 446 - Evolutionary Biology

Select 3 (at least 11 hours) from:

  • BSB 303 - Comparative Anatomy
  • BSB 410 - General Ecology
  • BSB 322 - Animal Physiology
  • BSM 340 - Microbiology for Majors
  • BSB 485 - Special Topics in Biology or Microbiology
  • BSB 499 - Independent Study in Biology or Microbiology

Additional Requirements:

  • PS 109 - General Physical Science
  • PSC 111 - General Chemistry I
  • PSC 111L - General Chemistry I Laboratory
  • PSC 112 - General Chemistry II
  • PSC 112L - General Chemistry II Laboratory
  • PSP 211 - General Physics

Select two MA courses at the 113-level or higher.

Four semsters of SM 100 Science/Mathematics Seminar (Students are required to pass four semesters of SM 100, except for transfer students entering with 60 or more transfer hours who are required to pass three semesters of SM 100.)

2.0 Major GPA required

2.0 Departmental GPA required

Comprehensive Exit Exam

Exit Questionnaire

Professional Education Requirements, 7-12

(Minimum grade of C required):

ED 200 - Education as a Profession

ED 302 - Art and Science of Teaching

ED 306 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

ED 360 - Educational Psychology

ED 365 - Content Area Reading

ED 390 - Classroom Management

ED 409 - Observation and Directed Teaching in Secondary Education Grades 7-12

BSB 313 - Methods and Materials in Teacher Science

ED 452 - Educational Measurement

Total Hours Required for a BS in Biology - Secondary Education Certification: 124 Semester Hours