Distance Counseling

What is Distance Counseling?

Telemental Health Counseling or Distance Counseling includes the practice of diagnosis, treatment, education, goal setting, accountability, referral to resources, problem solving, skills training, and help with decision making through the use of internet-based videoconferencing. Telehealth psychotherapy may include counseling, psychological health care delivery, and/or consultation. Telehealth psychotherapy will occur primarily through interactive video conferencing.

Who is eligible for Distance Counseling?

  • Currently enrolled students (summer services are offered to students enrolled for the fall semester)
  • Students within the state of Mississippi
  • Student cannot be exhibiting suicidal ideation or any other severe psychological needs

What do you need?

  • Current MUW Student ID
  • Camera and microphone access
  • Proper lighting and seating

How do I sign up?

  1. First you will need to contact Dr. Deb Wells (dkwells@muw.edu) to show interest in distance counseling.
  2. One of the counselors will access whether or not you are an eligible participant.
  3. Counselor will then send you an Informed Consent form and an Informed Consent Addendum for Telemental Health.
  4. Both Forms must be completed, signed and emailed back to the counselor along with a copy of your MUW ID.
  5. Counselor and student will agree on time and date of initial intake session.
  6. Counselor will email student at least 24 hours prior to appointment with a link to a video chat in a software that the Counseling Center uses called Zoom.

Counseling Center

11th Street South at 4th Avenue South
Phone: (662) 329-7748