
Bulk/Non-Profit Mailing

Mail Services is enrolled in Pitney Bowes (PB) Easy Permit Postage Program. This program includes non-profit/bulk mail, business reply mail and postage due mail. Instead of having to keep open accounts at Bluecutt, we are now billed by PB for activity on these accounts. If you use any of these services, please be sure to contact Mail Services at ext. 7408 to obtain the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS) account number PRIOR to going to Bluecutt General Mail Facility, 3202 Bluecutt Road.

All bulk/non-profit mailing is handled Monday – Friday, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ONLY at the Bluecutt General Mail Facility, 3202 Bluecutt Road. Please take bulk mail-outs to the back of the facility (where trucks load). There is a specific area for bulk mail located there.

For this mailing, all envelopes must have a permanent imprint that states either:

*Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Columbus, MS
Permit No. 62


*(FCM) First Class Mail
US Postage Paid
Columbus, MS
Permit No. 62

*NOTE: Contact the graphic designer in University Relations to assist with this. The number is 329-7119.

 Before Bluecutt will process the mail-out, please note the following:

  • There must be at least 200 pieces.
  • Because there are two rates, the mail out must be sorted by zip code – those in the 397 area and those outside the 397 area and Bluecutt must know the count for each area.
  • Please know the total number of pieces to be mailed.
  • You must contact Mail Services at ext. 7408 for the CAPS account number before going to Bluecutt
  • You must complete a form 3602-NZ (this is provided by Bluecutt at the time of the mail out)

After the mail-out, please do the following:

  • Be sure to get a copy of the 3602-NZ form.
  • Write the budget code to be used for the mailing on the form and send a copy of the form to Mail Services.
  • NOTE: After an activity report is received from Bluecutt that lists the charges, University Accounting will deduct that money from the appropriate budget.