
If you experience sexual discrimination or harassment of any kind, you are likely to have many concerns and questions, including what your options are for reporting and responding to the incident. You may also just need supportive measures and have no desire to file a formal complaint. Friends and family members may have strong feelings about what you should do, but there is no right or wrong way to respond.  Whatever you choose, it is important that you do what makes you comfortable.

There are a number of reporting options available to you.  It is important to understand that choosing one option does not preclude you from pursuing another option now or in the future.  To discuss the various options that are available to you, contact the Title IX Coordinator:

Ashley Chisolm
Cochran Hall, Room 300
Email:  titleix@muw.edu
Office:  (662) 370-1035

Confidential Reporting Resources

An individual who wishes for the details of an incident to remain completely confidential may speak with certain University officials who, by law, must maintain confidentiality and may not disclose the details of an incident, except as required by law.  These officials include:

The Counseling Center
(662) 329-7748

Campus Health Center
(662) 329-7289

Please note, some individuals may be required to report statistical information only, no personally identifiable information, in order for the University to comply with crime reporting laws such as the Clery Act.  In addition, individuals may also seek confidential support from a local or national crisis hotline.

On Campus Reporting

If you would like to pursue resolution on campus, you should speak to the Title IX Coordinator for information about the University’s Title IX Policy and Procedures, support resources, and possible interim measures.  The University’s Title IX Policy and Procedures can be found on this website.  You may also fill out a report of sexual discrimination or harassment that will directly be sent to the Title IX Coordinator.    

Off Campus Reporting

You are encouraged to pursue all of your options for responding to and resolving a complaint of sexual discrimination and harassment, both on campus and off campus.  You are encouraged to report potentially criminal activity to the police.  Both on campus and off campus can be pursued simultaneously.

Reporting Potential Criminal Violations to the Police:

In cases involving potential criminal misconduct, individuals are encouraged to file a report with the University Police Department (662-241-7777) or City of Columbus Police Department (662-244-3500).  If the incident occurred on campus, the University police and local law enforcement may work together to investigate the incident.  In cases where the complainant is a minor, under the age of 18, the University is legally obligated to notify local law enforcement and will cooperate as appropriate with any external investigation.
The University’s process and the criminal justice system work independently from one another and the University will proceed with its process, regardless of action or inaction by outside authorities.  If a police investigation is initiated, the University may pause its investigation briefly at the request of the police to facilitate their initial evidence gathering.  Decisions made or sanctions imposed by the University’s process are not subject to change because criminal or civil charges which arise from the same conduct are dismissed, reduced or rejected in favor of or against the respondent.