The Title IX Deputies are specially trained to assist in all facets of the Title IX grievance process. For any given incident, they may be asked to assist a complainant or respondent with understanding the Title IX process, conduct reasonable, impartial and prompt investigations, proceed over live hearings and/or to serve on an appeals panel.

The Title IX Coordinator may assign any one or more Deputies varying roles which may change per reported incident. The possible roles a Deputy can serve are:

Investigator– conducts an impartial and prompt investigation; meets with parties and witnesses and gathers evidence; writes final investigative report.
Hearing Panel Officer– serves as one of three decision-makers during the live grievance hearing, determines responsibility and recommends discipline/sanctions, if appropriate.
Appeals Panel Officer– serves as one of three appeals officers to decide the validity of a party’s appeal.

Ms. Jess Harpole
Vice President of Student Affairs;
Office of Student Affairs
(662) 329-7355

Dr. Chrystal Hodges
Associate Professor of Education
College of Education and Human Sciences
(662) 241-6949

Ms. Laura Quinn
Director of Human Resources
Office of Human Resources
(662) 329-7211

Dr. Kim Whitehead
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
Professor of English and Religious Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
(662) 329-7170

Ms. Jessica McDill
Instructor of Management
College of Business and Professional Studies
(662) 329-7504

Dr. Barry Smith
Professor and Chair of Communication
College of Arts and Sciences
(662) 241-6248

Ms. Patricia Caston
Director of Sponsored and Collaborative Projects
(662) 329-7140

Wesley Garrett, Esq.
Director, Legal Studies and Professor of Legal Studies
(662) 241-6401

Mr. Matthew Miles
Dean of Students
Office of Student Affairs
(662) 370-0134