What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits sex (gender-based) discrimination and harassment in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial funding.

Mississippi University for Women is committed to providing an educational and work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including gender-based discrimination and harassment.  Sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, is a form of harassment.  The University provides support and resources to students, faculty and staff to address concerns related to gender-based discrimination and harassment.

The Title IX Coordinator is the individual designated to coordinate the University’s efforts regarding the prevention of gender-based discrimination and harassment.  Some of the Title IX’s responsibilities may include:

  • Tracking and monitoring incidents, including gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct
  • Working closely with the Title IX Deputy Officers who may conduct investigations, conduct hearings and determine appeals outcomes.
  • Ensuring prompt and equitable resolution of complaints
  • Coordinating training, education and prevention efforts
  • Providing information on options for responding to and resolving complaints
  • Facilitating informal resolution processes and formal grievance hearings
  • Providing supportive measures to parties

Title IX Coordinator

Ashley Chisolm
Cochran Hall, Room 300
1100 College Street, Columbus MS 39701 
662-370-1035 or titleix@muw.edu

When Should I contact the Title IX Coordinator?

Any student, faculty or staff member who has knowledge of or concerns about sex or gender-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or gender-based stalking, is encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Deputies. 


Conversations with the Title IX Coordinator and/or Title IX Deputy Officers are kept as confidential as possible, but information about incidents of sexual violence may be shared with relevant administrators, if the university needs to take actions for reasons of community safety.  In all cases, the wishes of the person initiating the conversation regarding discrimination and/or harassment are given full consideration. 
If you would like to speak with someone strictly confidentially, contact one of the confidential support resources