FY 2023-2024

(Last Updated – 7/1/2024)

Policy StatementPolicy Title
Date of Campus NotificationReviewer’s Recommendation
PS 3525Graduate Council10.12.2023 60-day review process.
12.1.2023 Policy Updated
Recommended by Graduate Council to put into the review process.
PS 3533Teacher Education Council10.12.2023 60-day review process.
12.1.2023 Policy Updated
Recommended by TEC to put into the review process
PS 3507Faculty Research Committee 11.3.2023 60-day
review process. 2.5.2024 Policy Updated
Recommended by Academic Council to put into the review process
PS 3518Faculty Library Advisory Committee No changesRecommended no changes by Academic Council
PS 3528Faculty Appeals Committee 11.3.2023 60-day review process.
2.5.2024 Policy updated
Recommended by Academic Council to put into the review process
PS 3548Diversity Equity and Inclusion Council No changes University Chief Diversity Officer recommended no changes
PS 7203Use of University Funds for Entertainment, Light Refreshments and Meals No changesUp for review by VP for Operations and CFO
PS 7401Records Retention No changesUp for review by VP for Operations and CFO
PS 7601Campus Solicitation and Sales to the University No changes VP of Student Affairs recommended no changes
PS 3504Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee3.8.2024 60-day review process. Policy update 5.3.2024Recommended by URC to put edits into review
PS 3508The Undergraduate Curriculum Council4.15.2024 60-day review process. Policy updated 6.7.2024Recommended by Academic Council
PS 3515Academic Council4.15.2024 60-day review process. Policy updated 6.7.2024Recommended by CAO
PS 3540General Education Curriculum Council4.15.2024 60-day review process. Policy updated 6.7.2024Recommended by Academic Council
NewWomen’s College Advisory Committee4.15.2024 60-day review process. Policy updated 6.7.2024Recommended by Academic Council
PS 8502Student OrganizationsNo changesRecommended to review Fall 2024

Page maintained by P. Caston

Requests for Policy Review documents from previous years should be emailed to the Policy Review Coordinator, plcaston@muw.edu.