To Register for CITI Program
Process for registering with CITI Program. Faculty, Staff and Students register following the same process.
Click the register link in the top right corner of the home page.
Step 1: Search for organization. Key in Mississippi University for Women
Check box that states: “Agree to terms of service for accessing CITI Program material”
Click Continue to Step 2
Step 2: Key in the following information: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Verify Email Address.
Click Continue to Step 3
Step 3: Create Username and Password according to directions of screen.
Select security question and provide answer.
Click Continue to Step 4
Step 4: Enter “United States” for country of residence.
Click Continue to Step 5
Step 5: If you are interested in CEUs/Credit click “Yes” if you are not click “No.” If you select “Yes” choose the CEUs/Credit you wish to earn.
Note: Mississippi University for Women Faculty and Staff who choose “Yes” will have to pay for CEUs/Credit personally. This is not reimbursable by Mississippi University for Women.
Note: Mississippi University for Women Students should select “No.”
Can CITI Program contact you at a later date regarding participation in research surveys? This is optional for the individual.
Click Continue to Step 6
Step 6: Language Preference – Select English
Institutional email address: Enter your Mississippi University for Women email address.
Department: Mississippi University for Women Faculty and Staff should enter the department for which they are employed. Mississippi University for Women Students should enter their major.
Role in research: Undergraduate Students should select “Student Researcher Undergraduate,” Graduate Students should select “Student Researcher Graduate,” and Faculty/Staff should select “Principle Investigator.”
Click Continue to Step 7
Step 7: Human Subjects Research: Select the appropriate box
Institutional/Signatory Officials: Select “Not at this time”
IRB Chair: Select “not at this time”
Information Privacy Security: Select the appropriate box
Responsible Conduct of Research: Select the appropriate box.
Click “Complete Registration”
Note: If questions concerning the selection of modules or call or email the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Step 8: Click Finalize Registration