The Bachelor of Science in Political Science to Law Degree Pathway equips students for democratic engagement and leadership in addition to social analysis with coursework emphasizing active and service learning in which students apply what they learn to real problems.
Students will complete three-fourths of the coursework required for a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from The W in three years.
Students then transfer to the Mississippi College School of Law. Where they will go on to finish the remaining coursework required for their Bachelor of Science in Political Science while working towards their law degree..
Course Name |
CR: |
UN 101 - Introduction to College Life |
1 |
EN 101 - English Composition I |
3 |
HIS 101 or HIS 109 |
3 |
COM 101 - Oral Communication |
3 |
MA 113 - College Algebra (or higher) |
3 |
POL 101 - The Study and Practice of Politics |
3 |
16 |
Course Name |
CR: |
EN 102 - English Composition II |
3 |
HIS 102 or HIS 110 |
3 |
PHL - Philosophy |
3 |
Computer Applications / Second Math |
3 |
POL 150 - American Government |
3 |
15 |
Course Name |
CR: |
Art / Theatre / Music |
3 |
Natural Science |
3 |
Natural Science Lab |
1 |
POL 202 - Making Democracy Work |
3 |
POL - Political Science Elective |
3 |
General Elective |
3 |
16 |
Course Name |
CR: |
EN - Literature Survey |
3 |
Natural Science |
3 |
Natural Science Lab |
1 |
POL - Political Science Elective |
3 |
POL - Political Science Elective |
3 |
General Elective |
3 |
16 |
Course Name |
CR: |
MA - Math or Science |
3-4 |
POL 250 - World Politics |
3 |
POL - Political Science Elective |
3 |
POL - Political Science Elective |
3 |
General Elective |
3 |
15-16 |
Course Name |
CR: |
MA - Math or Science |
3-4 |
POL 390 - Southern Politics |
3 |
POL 490 - Internship / Practicum ⁂ |
3 |
POL - Political Science Elective |
3 |
General Elective |
3 |
15-16 |
⁂ Ideally, students will complete 120 hours of work as a traditional intern during the summer before or during the fall or spring semesters of their junior year. However, students may also satisfy the requirement by completing an internship during the summer following their junior year. In addition, students may apply other praxis-based learning experiences—such as fellowships, research assistantships, combined micro-internships, or relevant volunteer work—with approval of the advisor and department chair.
Transfer to Mississippi College School of Law
Area |
Courses |
CR: |
General Electives |
1L Coursework |
27 |
Courses transferred to The W; Bachelor of Science awarded at The W; continue study at Mississippi College School of Law
The Bachelor of Science in Political Science degree requires 120 total hours. 25% (30 hours) must be competed at Mississippi University for Women.