A BIT report may be sent at any time by utilizing the online general incident form. Below is a list of examples of behaviors that should be reported to the BIT team. These behaviors, especially when more than one are present, may be signs that an individual is in distress.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. The BIT team encourages you to report any concerning situation.

  • Anger or acts motivated by hatred or discrimination
  • Changes in appearance or personality
  • Disappearances, kidnappings, or missing persons
  • Depression, anxiety, dramatic mood shifts, or inability to manage emotions
  • Disruptive classroom behavior, absenteeism, or decline in performance
  • Disturbing writings or behavior
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Hazing, bullying, or harassment
  • Threats (words or actions, in person or on-line)
  • Observed self-injurious behavior (cutting, burning, etc.)
  • Paranoia
  • Social isolation
  • Stalking, relationship violence, or domestic issues
  • Suicidality (threats, gestures, ideation, or attempts)
  • Violations of residence hall rules