Professional Learning Academy Courses

The Professional Learning Academy offers courses in several categories


Assessing Student Learning
Building Vocabulary
Conflict Resolution
Daily 5: A Management System for Literacy Instruction
Early Childhood & Pre-K: Effective Interactions and Meaningful Conversations
Effectively Managing the Clasroom
Engaging Students in the Classroom
Grant Writing for Educators
Making a Bully-Free Zone
MDE Resources
Motivating Students to Learn
Moving through Academics
Organized Classroom Chaos: Engaging and Motivating Your Students to Succeed
Transforming Your Classroom with a Growth Mindset
Using Music to Enhance Classroom

Health & Wellness

Active Classroom: How to Get Academics Moving
Basics of Nutrition
Food Allergies in the School Setting
Fostering a Healthy Classroom
Introduction to Sexual Orientation, Identity, and Expression
Managing Stress in a World of Chaos
Multi-Cultural Aspects of Sexual Health Education
Sexual Health Education: Reproductive Anatomy
Teaching Safe Sex Practices


Collaboration in the Workplace
Communication in the Workplace
Creative Thinking in the Workplace
Critical Thinking in the Workplace
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
Personality Types in the Workplace


Differentiating Instruction for Reading
Globalizing the Mathematics Classroom
OutScience: Taking Learning Outside
Teaching the Scientific Method
Understanding Mathematics Anxiety


Creating with Canva
Cyber Smart
Digital Citizenship: Being Kind Online
EdTech and Formative Assessment
EdTech and Student Engagement
Teaching Keyboarding: Milestones for K-8
The Sweet Life with Google Suite
Top Technology Tools to Engage Your Students
Using Technology to Give Students a Voice and Choice
Virtual Learning Crash Course
Zoom, Loom, and Google Classroom

Design a Course

Interested in helping us expand our offerings? You can share your expertise and design a CEU-awarding course for the Professional Learning Academy. Design a Course