Crisis Manager App

An easily downloaded emergency information app can be found at your smartphone’s app store.  We encourage you to download it and use it as a reference in the event of an emergency.  By clicking on an icon, you can easily retrieve information about what to do in specific circumstances. There is no charge to users.
Here’s how you can download:

  1. Go to your smartphone’s App Store.
  2. Download “Schooldude CrisisManager” app to your smartphone.
  3. Open app and follow instructions to create an account.
  4. Once you have entered the app, click on the blue + at the top of the right of the page.
  5. Wait for the list of crisis plans, then click to open the client plans.
  6. Scroll to find Mississippi University for Women click the + to open it, then download the emergency guidelines.
  7. Open the guidelines.

Get the App for iPhone

Get the App for Android

MUW Police Department

For Emergencies Dial 911

Randy Vibrock,
Chief of Police

McDevitt Hall
Phone: (662) 241-7777
Fax: (662) 241-6882