The W’s Department of Communication is home to the campus radio station (WMUW 88.5 FM), the campus newspaper (The Spectator), and a television studio that supports the media convergence curriculum.

The Spectator computer lab provides access to industry standard print design, web development, and video & audio editing software, such as Adobe’s Creative Suite and Sony’s Sound Forge Pro.

Specialized editing bays contain workstations specifically designed for advanced multi-track audio and video editing.

Mass media industries (such as journalism, public relations, advertising, and TV/film production) place a premium on graduates who have both technological expertise and strong communication skills. Our program focuses on writing, editing and creative skills, and we provide students the software and hardware to enhance learning in these areas.

The convergence curriculum was designed with this technology in mind. The intent is to move into a fully converged product that incorporates text, still images, moving pictures, audio and the Internet. This allows for a lot of flexibility in what can be done in the classroom. It makes the classroom more of a real work experience for students.